The NAGEL Network, Inc. 
Clear Advantage Filter from Creative Biomedics

Clear Advantage Filter The Clear Advantage Filter all but eliminates the possibility of cross contamination. Designed and manufactured by Creative Biomedics, users are assured that 99.99% of all air contaminates will be removed. Using a revolutionary Drum design with an electrostatic filter media makes this possible. Measurement imagery shows airflow resistance a meager .16cm-H20/L/sec. The Clear Advantage filter fits on all models of pulmonary function testing systems. Our filters are certified by CE and ISO 9001/EN 46001 and are three times more efficient than ATS specifications.

The NAGEL Network's
MicroGard Filter from SensorMedics

MicroGard Filter Cross-Contamination...
A Real Concern

With today's awareness of disease transmission, breathing through a medical instrument has become a real concern. The possibility of cross-contamination has caused a rethinking of the methods traditionally used to protect both the patient and instrument. That's why MicroGardTM is an important part of your laboratory protocol, providing the assurance of a safe testing environment every time you use it. Independent studies of the MicroGard filter clearly demonstrate superiority as a barrier to viral and bacterial cross-contamination, while resistance to inspiratory and expiratory air flow is lower than published recommendations. Priced to be truly disposable, MicroGard filters provide your patients and your laboratory the assurance and protection you need, at a cost you can afford.

Description The SensorMedics MicroGard Filter is a disposable barrier type filter intended to protect both patient and instrument, by preventing the transmission of pathogens by droplets and aerosolized particles between the patient and the spirometer, or pulmonary function testing instrument. Independent studies with bacteria and viral aerosols demonstrate 99+% filtration.

Indications A disposable filter for use in prevention of contamination of spirometers and pulmonary function testing instruments, associated valves and hoses, from aerosols and particulates which may be present in a patient's exhaled gas. The MicroGard filter incorporates the highest filtration medium available with an exceptionally low resistance to air flow. Filter resistance to air flow is less than one-half of published recommendations for pulmonary function testing devices.

Applications Spirometry, Pulmonary Function Testing, Lung Volumes, Diffusing Capacity, Airways Resistance & Compliance.


Pulmonary Function Filters
The NAGEL Network, Inc.
is the leading distributor for KoKo-Moe Pulmonary Function Filters! Bacteria and viruses exhaled during testing without a filter are carried into your PF equipment tubing, flow sensor and possibly into the circuitry. Likewise, "barrier" type filters trap expectorated matter, but allow bacteria and viruses to penetrate through the filter.

KoKo Moe Filters trap not only expectorated matter, but capture organisms as small as viruses through a polarization effect. Dust, pollen, bacteria and other contaminants are trapped throughout the media - not just on the surface.

The patented design offers low resistance, low dead space and minimizes air flow turbulence for accurate spirometry and total lung analysis. Both resistance and dead space fall within ATS guidelines.

Filtretetm, the media used in KoKo Moe Filters, is comprised of permanent electrets that trap viruses and bacteria to prevent contamination. The single patient use KoKo Moe Filter minimizes concern regarding the spread of infectious diseases and provides improved patient comfort. At the same time, lab production increases as sterilization time decreases.


  • Filtration of bacteria and viruses
  • Low resistance for accurate spirometry testing
  • Low dead space as required for lung volume and DLCO testing
  • Four standard port sizes and a wide selection of adapters allows the KoKo Moe
  • Filter to be used with virtually any pulmonary function instruments
  • Cost effective
  • Available in fun colors of standard teal green

Hi, I'm KoKo-Moe the new generation of PFT filter form Pulmonary Data Service Instrumentation, Inc. My new design has lowered resistance and dead space beyond even the levels achieved by my ancestor, the KoKo Filter. My resistance is now lower than .4 cmH20/L/sec and my dead space is under 50 cc's. My insides, the filter media, still have the highest filtration efficiency available. Bacteria efficiency is 99.99% and viral efficiency is 99.90%. I still offer the same easy-to-use, one-piece design; additionally, I'm trimmer and fitter than my ancestors. I come in a brand new color, Teal Green. I am also still available in my fun neon colors.

The NAGEL Network, Inc. is now distributing the
Pulmoguard Filter from SDI Diagnostics

Pulmoguard II Filter Pulmoguard Filters all but eliminate the possibility of cross contamination. Designed and manufactured by SDI Diagnostics, users are assured that 99.99% of all air contaminates will be removed. During a Pulmonary Function Test, bacteria and viruses are forcefully expelled from the respiratory tract. This represents a real health risk to patients and health care workers alike. The instrument can be contaminated and cause cross contamination of patients. By using a pulmonary filter the risk of cross contamination can be greatly reduced. Pulmoguard Filter
  • Part #29-7950C  Pulmoguard       (Blue)
  • Part #29-7920    Pulmoguard II   (Green)
  • Virus Filtration Efficiency 99.50%
  • Bacterial Filtration Efficiency 99.70%
  • Dead Volume 60 ml.
  • Air Resistance .862cm H20/L/Sec at 14L/Sec
  • Fits Most Adult Spirometers without an Adapter. Adapters Available at No Cost for Other Tests and for Pediatric Applications
  • 100/box green filters, 50/box blue filters
  • Angled input port allows the cardboard mouthpiece to be removed and replaced with a rubber mouthpiece for use in Pulmonary Diffusion Tests

Call for NEW lower prices


The TNN viral PFT Filter from The NAGEL Network, Inc.

  • Comes in various sizes to fit most Spirometer Systems
  • Bacterial removal efficiency 99.99%
  • Viral removal efficiency is 99.90%
  • Made with recyclable high-impact plastic material
  • Cardboard mouthpiece for patient comfort
  • Maximum flow rates and leak proof fit
  • Ultra-sonically welded housing ensures quality contruction
  • Low dead space

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