Salter Dosimeter

The Salter Dosimeter is an aerosol-generating device designed for precise administration of broncho-provocation agents. This compact portable device functions with a compressor or a compressed gas source to accurately control the length of time the pneumatic nebulizer is powered.

- Adjustable pulse duration 0.1 to 9.9 seconds Versatile, variable, and precise timing
- L.E.D. diode display Positive visual indication of operating status
- Both manual and remote activation switch Ensures delivery occurs at inspiration for a precise, pre-set period
- Front panel controls and indicators Affords easy operation
- Operates from 50 psi source or compressor.
- Requires DC power source.
- Easily powered by readily available energy sources
- Compatible with all pneumatic nebulizers Versatile, convenient
KoKo DigiDoser Dosimeter

This automated Dosimeter is incorporated into the KoKo Spirometer to providethe most advanced, controlled and reproducible aerosol dosing available. KoKo Digidoser Software allows challenge protocols to be designed by theuser.
- Precise, software-controlled aerosol dosing
- Graphic flow/volume tracking of patient respiratory cycle
- On-screen highlighting of dosing interval and lung volume
- Automated, precise construction of dose response curves
- Controlled nebulizer discharge during desired inhalation interval
- Automated calculation of delivered aerosol volume
- User defined software control of protocol, staging and dose delivery
KoKo Dosimeter

Thisstand-alone, automated dosimeter delivers controlled, reproducible doses ofaerosol. The dual acting breath sensor recognizes the inspiratory and expiratoryphases of the respiratory cycle for greater control of the dosing sequence. Fouroperation modes and selectable dosage delay and duration settings providemaximum dosing flexibility.
- Automated dose delivery sequence initiated by an inspiratory breath sensor
- Programmable, auto-tidal, keypress initiated tidal and manual delivery modes may be selected
- Duration of nebulization can be varied from 0.1 to 9.9 seconds per breath
- Onset of nebulization can be delayed from 0.1 to 9.9 seconds
- Expiratory phase sensor minimizes aerosol waste and discharge into the environment
- Built-in adjustable pressure regulator and gauge
- Audible programmable tone incentive for inspiration and breath-hold
- Available in five languages